ICDFI 2012 Workshop, Beijing
Registration Form
Registration Instructions:
- Registration Fee:
1) Full Registration ( US$400 or RMB2500)
- Edited papers presented in the conference
- Attendance permit to all sessions and invited talks; and
- Lunches, coffee breaks and dinners
2) Student Registration ( US$250 or RMB1500)
- Editing papers presented in the conference
- Attendance permit to all sessions and invited talks; and
- Lunches, coffee breaks and dinners
- Proof of full-time student identity (e.g. student card) is required when submitting proof of payment
- Payment Instructions:
- Please refer to the details in the payment instruction letter.
Confirmation of registration will be sent via email registrants upon receipt of payment in full and documentation required.
- Please complete following form firstly, and then click on the submit button.
- Upon receipt, a
confirmation number(your ID number) will be sent to you automatically
by an email.
- Please do not resubmit
your registration, in case of any changes please contact: liugz@mail.ihep.ac.cn
- For further details,
please refer to http://secmeeting.ihep.ac.cn or contact
us .