Dr Michael Kwan
Superintendent, Hong Kong Customs & Excise Department, Hong Kong
And Vice President, Information Security & Forensics Society
Hong Kong
Is Digital Forensic a Science?
Following the development of digital forensic techniques, using digital forensic analyses in resolving legal disputes concerning digital evidence is on the rise. Today, digital forensic is gradually becoming one of the disciplines in modern forensics circle. Despite the outcry that digital forensic should be a scientific science, the views that the expert conclusions of digital forensic analyses are subjective and non-scientific are also escalating. As forensic findings are to express forensics practitioners¡¯ degree of beliefs based on scientific methods, it is the aim of this talk to review whether today¡¯s digital forensic approaches are scientific and objective.
Michael Kwan is the Vice President of the Information Security & Forensics Society in Hong Kong, with members from the academic, law enforcement, legal experts and private sectors. Michael is accredited with a PhD degree in Digital Forensic, two MSc degrees in Telecommunications and in Forensic Investigation, and a BSc degree in Computer Science.
Michael is a Superintendent of the Hong Kong Customs & Excise Department. He has been involved in technology crime and digital forensic since 2000 and is now the Group Head of the Intellectual Property Investigation (Operations), responsible for the protection of intellectual property in Hong Kong. Through the years, Michael has cracked down numerous online piracy cases such as Top-Site, Peer-to-Peer file sharing, online auctions, cyber-lockers, etc.