Mr. Raoul Chiesa
Information Security Expert
Founder, Partner, The Security Brokers
Principal, Cyberdefcon Ltd., UK
Independent Advisor on Cybercrime at the United Nations (UNICRI)
ENISA (European Network & Information Security Agency), PSG Member 2010-2012 (Permanent Stakeholders Group)
Founder, Steering Committee, CLUSIT (Italian Information Security Association)
Digital Forensics: experiences from the Past, issues from the Present and challenges from the Future
During this Key Note Raoul Chiesa, an internationally recognized information security guru and expert, will brief the audience of ICDFI on the field of Digital Forensics. The old roots of this science, along with its pros and cons, will be analyzed; then the speaker will evaluate today's issues and problems when dealing with Host, Network, Mobile and GPS IT forensics, commenting some of the most weird case studies and investigations he encountered in. In the last part of this excellent, innovative and brand new Key Note, Mr. Chiesa will highlight those challenges related to the future of Digital Forensics.
Raoul "Nobody" Chiesa was born in Torino, Italy, in 1973. After being among the first Italian hackers back in the 90's (1986-1995), Raoul decided to move to professional InfoSec, founding in 1997 @ Mediaservice.net Srl, a vendor-neutral and well known security advisory company.
Lately he founded "Security Brokers", a total new concept in the Information Security world, and he joined CyberDefcon UK as a Principal, along with Mr. Jart Armin (HostExploit). Both Raoul and its security team work on research areas such as X.25 and PSDN networks, VoIP Security, Malware Analysis, Social Engineering, SCADA & Industrial Automation, Home Automation, Satellite communication, Mobile Security, SS7 threats and much more.
Since 2003 he started its cooperation with the UN agency "UNICRI" (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute), working on "HPP", the Hackers Profiling Project run by ISECOM and UNICRI; in 2005 he has been official recognized as a cybercrime advisor. Nowadays his role at UNICRI is "Independent Senior Advisor on Cybercrime".
Since February 2010, Raoul Chiesa is a Member of the ENISA Permanent Stakeholders' Group (PSG). The PSG is composed of 30 high-level experts who have been appointed by the Executive Director of ENISA to serve as a sounding board for all relevant stakeholders on issues concerning network and information security.
On March 2012 Raoul left its operating duties @ Mediaservice.net and became a Principal at Cyberdefcon Ltd. UK, a company operating in the fight against cybercrime, mainly working on Cyber Intelligence.
On September 2012 he will then launch "Security Brokers", an innovative global think-tank, totally focused on specific issues, with an international team of high-level InfoSec professionals. |