Dr Fred Cohen
President, California Sciences Institute and
CEO, Fred Cohen & Associates
The Future of Automated Analysis (Tools and Methods) for Digital Forensics
Digital evidence is increasingly coming in far larger volume, from far more diverse sources, and with less of the traditional chain of custody and assurance. The digital future thus holds great danger, but also great opportunity. This talk will focus on the unprecedented opportunity for revealing the truth through automated analysis of digital records using the emerging physics of digital information. It will walk through case studies and examples revealing how underlying patterns of physics lead to detection of false and misleading statements and records, how forgeries get defeated, and how the truth may ultimately be revealed. We hope to show that computational leverage will ultimately favor the detective, making the job of the criminal nearly impossible. But we will see.
Fred Cohen is best known as the inventor of computer virus defense techniques, the principal investigator whos team defined the information assurance problem as it relates to critical infrastructure protection today, as a seminal researcher in the use of deception for information protection, and as a top flight information protection consultant and industry analyst. But his work on information protection extends far beyond these areas.
In the 1970s he designed network protocols for secure digital networks carrying voice, video, and data; and he helped develop and prototype the electronic cash watch for implementing personal digital money systems. In the 1980s, he developed integrity mechanisms for secure operating systems, consulted for many major corporations, taught short courses in information protection to over 10,000 students worldwide, and in 1989, he won the prestigious international Information Technology Award for his work on integrity protection. In the 1990s, he developed protection testing and audit techniques and systems, secure Internet servers and systems, defensive information warfare techniques and systems, early systems using deception for information protection, and bootable CDs designed for forensics and secure server applications. All told, the protection techniques he pioneered now help to defend more than three quarters of all the computers in the world.
With more than 30 years of experience and a global reputation for integrity, accuracy, and innovation, Fred Cohen is widely considered one of the world's leading authorities in information protection.
For more detail information, please refer to: http://all.net/resume/index.html